The Department No. 2 Podcast
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The Thirty-Fives of Chickamauga
The Perryville Zouave Connection
A Buckeye Coward at Perryville
Greyhounds at the Post
Stones River - A Diary Entry
"A damned Yankee trick!" - The Ninety-Third Ohio at Brown's Ferry
The “Battle” of Brooksville, Kentucky, September 28th, 1862
The Battle of Griswoldville
A Flag Not Forgotten: The Story of Corporal David Evans
From New Albany to Murfreesboro: Benjamin Franklin Scribner at the Battle of Stone's River
Union Captain David C. Stone: Battery A, 1st Kentucky, later 5th United States Colored Cavalry.
The Battle of Bowling Green
Turchin's Chickamauga Brigade
One Hundred Days Men - More From the 168th OVI
The Battle of Mill Springs, 1863
The 17th Kentucky at Shiloh
The Oldest Soldier at the Battle of Perryville? Thomas Stewart was 92.
The Battle of Wauhatchie
"accomplished with alacrity" - Twenty-Second Indiana at Leetown
Cornhuskers at Donelson