The Department No. 2 Podcast
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Rethinking the Civil War Service of "Acting Major General" Charles Champion Gilbert
William Shipman, Patriot
Bullet Magnet with a Bad Ass Beard - Obadiah C. Maxwell
A Flag Not Forgotten: The Story of Corporal David Evans
From New Albany to Murfreesboro: Benjamin Franklin Scribner at the Battle of Stone's River
Union Captain David C. Stone: Battery A, 1st Kentucky, later 5th United States Colored Cavalry.
"...most bitter against the Yankees." - A Confederate Colonel in Cincinnati
Turchin's Chickamauga Brigade
Enyart and the First Kentucky
Inefficient and Worthless: A Brief Story of One Civil War Captain
The one that got away...
Women in the West: How Ladies Helped Shape the Civil War
Simon Bolivar Buckner: General and Governor
Six Harts, One Cause: The Hart Bothers of Alabama
The Fighting Kautz Family
Don Carlos Buell: Hero of Shiloh
Twinning in the West: Foster & Israel Sellers