The Department No. 2 Podcast
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The Rowlett’s Station Battlefield Enhancement Project
Newspaper Accounts - The Battle of Dutton's Hill
Middle Creek - Suggested Books & Visitor's Guide
Morgan's Second Kentucky Raid - The Skirmish at New Haven
"You have more work cut out for you than you bargained for!" The Unique Battle of Hartsville
The Battles of Warsaw and Ghent
Ohio Brothers Against Brother
Three Men, a Slave, and a Cemetery
The McGraw Story, or Monuments Are Not Always Factual
Move Over, McCooks - The Kumlers of Butler County
Thirty-Ninth Indiana at Upton's Hill
"The secesh...are perfect savages" - The Murder of Abraham G. Wileman
The “Battle” of Brooksville, Kentucky, September 28th, 1862
Cincinnati's Black Brigade
The First Ohio Invasion
A Flag Not Forgotten: The Story of Corporal David Evans
"...most bitter against the Yankees." - A Confederate Colonel in Cincinnati
One Hundred Days Men - More From the 168th OVI
The Battle of Mill Springs, 1863
Stories of Camp Clay - Part IV