The Department No. 2 Podcast
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The Cincinnati Company, Thirty-Second Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment, at Rowlett's Station
Irony in Camp - A Letter From Camp Bourbon
Rebel John
Thrice Served & Twice Captured - The Civil War Career of Abraham Gossard
Where's Waldo?
"You have more work cut out for you than you bargained for!" The Unique Battle of Hartsville
A Groundhog Letter
Rethinking the Civil War Service of "Acting Major General" Charles Champion Gilbert
A POW Letter From Johnson's Island
Letters From Camp Lytle - The Bluegrass Buckeyes of the First Kentucky
An Ancestor's Story
The Ninety-Seventh OVI at Missionary Ridge
"Whoop, Swear & Yell" or Not All Was Rosy Under Old Rosey - Part One
Ohio Brothers Against Brother
“…tell my friends that I did my duty" - The 104th Ohio during the Siege of Cincinnati
Three Men, a Slave, and a Cemetery
A Sharpshooter's Letter
Bullet Magnet with a Bad Ass Beard - Obadiah C. Maxwell
The Schulenbergs of Ohio
A "Friendly" Mexican War Duel?